
Boteng Main products

The company's main products are: sodium nitrite (powder, dry powder), sodium nitrate (powder, dry powder, granular), sodium metabisulfite (industrial grade, food grade). the annual output of sodium nitrite is 160000mt, the annual output of sodium nitrate is 80000 mt, and the annual output of sodium metabisulfite is 200000mt.

About Boteng

Weifang Boteng Chemical Co., Ltd. is a professional company selling inorganic chemical products, focusing on the sales and technical services of inorganic salt products.

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Boteng chemical

Weifang boteng chemical co., ltd. is a professional company of selling inorganic chemical products, focusing on the sales of inorganic salt products and technical services. The company is located in the world capital of kite weifang city, the geographical position is superior, north depends on weifang port, east faces Qingdao port, the transportation is very convenient.The company's main products are: sodium nitrite (powder, dry powder), sodium nitrate (powder, dry powder, granular), sodium metabisulfite (industrial grade, food grade).

Information Center




Service time 9:00-22:00

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