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Weifang Boteng Chemical Co., Ltd. is a private enterprise specialized in selling sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite (hereinafter referred to as "two sodium"). The relevant employees of the marketing team have worked in the industry of sodium bicarbonate for more than 5 years on average, familiar with the national market of sodium bicarbonate, and have professional market operation and analysis ability. Our company has successfully developed a series of inorganic salt chemical products on the basis of sodium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium pyrosulfite, anhydrous sodium sulfite, sodium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, potassium sulfate, potassium nitrate, calcium nitrate, etc. With more comprehensive services to customers, strive to give customers greater help.



Base salary plus commission (the highest in the industry)

Professional training

50 employees

The company sincerely guarantees:

As long as you work hard for 5000-8000 yuan,

If you can work hard for 10000-20000 yuan,

If you go all out for 20000-50000 yuan,

Age 20 to 30.

As long as you are passionate about your work!

As long as your execution is as fierce as a wolf!

Ambition doesn't have to be big, confidence has to be big!

Let's build an excellent team with wolf nature and combat effectiveness!


Recruiting specialist: manager Yu +86-15165607505

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